Questions to Ask Yourself

Where do I want to Go? – It is a big world out there and a million things to see. Make a list of places you have always wanted to go and then start planning, saving and GO!!!

What do I want to do while I am there? – Am I going to see the sights, go to a specific place or special event? Or am I just going to relax and get away? This answer will most likely change for each location and each trip even when you visit the same location several times.

When do I want to go and do I have a time limit for this trip? – Determining how far in advance and how much time you have available plays a big factor in both the cost of transportation and lodging but also availability. If you choose to go someplace during their peak tourist season and you do not plan far enough ahead and make reservations, then your options become very limited. Try looking at going to those high tourist places during the off season or just before the peak begins.

Transportation options and costs to get there and while I am there. – It is nice to plan for lots of walking on many trips because especially in places like Europe you will often run across great finds that you will only discover while walking.

Where will I stay and what is the budget I would like to stay within. For most places there are a variety of options for types of places to stay depending on your budget and comfort level. There are of course the standard hotels in every big city and most smaller ones, but there is also the possibility of a Bed and Breakfast or a Hostel, both of which provide wonderful opportunities to meet other travelers like yourself.

And remember that if you have friends or co-workers who travel as them for ideas and suggestions based on some of the trips they have gone on. This is also a great time to get recommendations on where to stay and what to do when you get there.